Happy Father’s Day

A year ago I wrote a blog post about Fathers’ Day. This year I was rendered speechless by my son’s post. Thanks, Ry . . . I Love You.

Ryan C.

Everyone has a father. But not everyone has a dad. I am lucky enough to have a dad. More than that, I am lucky to have a great one. We’ve had disagreements. We’ve argued. But through it all, he’s taught me a lot… So, in the spirit of Father’s Day, here are a few of the lessons that I’ve picked up from my old man.

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The “R” Word

In April 2014 L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling was banned from the NBA for life and fined $2.5 million by the league after private recordings of him making racist comments were made public. Yet after repeated complaints, the NFL continues to support a franchise with an overtly racist name and logo. It’s a disgace.

This video needs to go viral . . . Please share.


During basic training every sailor, soldier, and airman learns about the Uniform Code of Military Justice (U.C.M.J.). They also learn that should they be taken prisoner, their country will NEVER stop trying to gain their release. These are 2 separate things, and both apply to Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.

Regardless of the circumstances of his capture, Sgt. Bergdahl was a prisoner of war. Our duty as a nation was to get him back. Prisoner exchange has always been standard operating procedure in every war going back to 1775. This is nothing new. Whenever we send troops into combat they need to know we are committed to getting them back . . . no matter what.

Sgt. Bergdahl’s release has been obtained, but he is still an American soldier who is subject to the articles of the UCMJ. People need to calm down and understand that. The U.C.M.J. will determine whether or not he was a deserter/traitor.